Monday, November 28, 2016

My HTML Website

Getting back into HTML, or just making a simple webpage I guess I should say, was pretty easy once I took a few minutes to remind myself which tags to use in order to get things to work. I decided to create a webpage with a title in the header (what shows up on the browser tab), followed by the body which contained some cheeky text formating changes.  I started with a basic 'Hello World' in h1 format, making it fairly large and at the top of the screen.  I then followed with basic paragraph text, different sized, colored, and font.  Finally, I added a drop down menu with a few options.

Getting back into HTML was pretty fun and brought back memories from my high school class I had on the web.  That class was actually very similar to this one, except we focused more on webpage creation and less on what the actual internet/web is and how it works.  Here is a screenshot of what my code looked like in the program I used called Notepad++:

And here is a screenshot of the finished product:

As you can see, it's not really that much in terms of what we usually see on modern websites, but that's the beauty of HTML.  With HTML anyone can spend a few minutes to make their own simple webpage like this one, but that same person can also spend hours and make a complicated (modern) webpage that we can see anywhere.  All in all, this was fun and nostalgic and I'm glad it was an assignment!

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